A growing list of helpful resources.
Do you love to learn? So do we!
Every resource on this page has been read and reviewed by someone on our Review Team. These are honest reviews of both the pros and cons of the resource according to the reviewer.
And the best part is that if you find a resource that you would like to read for yourself after reading one of these reviews, we have all these resources available at our office that you can sign out and read for yourself.
Bible Reading Plan
Reading the Bible is one of the most important disciplines we can have to continue to mature as Christians.
Every September at The Compass Church, we provide you with a Bible reading plan because we know that approaching the Bible can be a bit overwhelming.
This year’s plan, we are following The Bible Project reading plan. The heart behind this plan is that everyone would read the Bible for themselves and discover the truth and beauty of God's Word. Scripture is God's gift to us, lighting up our paths, and drawing us into relationship with Him.
You can download the "Read Scripture” Bible Project app below.
For more information about Read Scripture, visit: readscripture.org