We exist to point people to Jesus.
We do this by making disciples who Know the Gospel, Live the Gospel and Advance the Gospel.
Know the Gospel

The Gospel is a message to be proclaimed and received.
A Gospel-centred church is one where the Gospel is proclaimed clearly, consistently, and compellingly, and is applied to every aspect of life (I Corinthians 9:16-23). Through this we continue to know and grow in the depths of the Gospel, and grow in our relationship and worship with our creator God.
We are created to worship. Life consists of constant worship. Every thought, word, desire and deed involves the ascribing of worth and value—glory. Each attitude, affection and activity is an expression of our allegiance, whether to our Creator or His creation. God alone is worthy of our worship.
We are called to eat, drink, speak, think and work to the glory of God (I Corinthians 10:31). Worship cannot be narrowed down to a particular time and place as if God does not claim authority over certain aspects of our lives. There are no neutral desires or deeds; everything is an expression of worship.
At The Compass Church, some of the ways we seek to disciple people to Know the Gospel is through our Sunday gatherings and by remembering the Gospel through preaching, teaching, singing, praying and celebrating the ordinances of baptism and communion.
As disciples, we study the Scriptures to understand what God has said. We practice the disciplines of prayer, solitude, and reflection so that we can discern the leading of the Holy Spirit. We learn from the teaching, training, and wisdom of godly leaders and teachers. We create communities of discipleship so we can learn from each other. And we engage the world around us so we can relate with relevance and wisdom to those who share our cultural setting.
Mark 1:14; Acts 14:21; I Peter 1:12; Romans 1:16
Live the Gospel

The Gospel is a power to be experienced.
The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. We were made for community – relationship with God and with each other. The church is not a place, but a people who were formally God’s enemies in rebellion against Him, then reconciled to Him and adopted into His family (Galatians 4:4-7) by God’s saving grace through His Son Jesus (Romans 5:10).
The Church is a community that is continually being reformed and renewed by the transforming power of the Gospel (Colossians 1:6).
The Bible calls us members of the body (I Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body through our unique God-given gifting for the glory of God and the good of His people. Through the gifts God gives, we sacrificially serve others – both individually and corporately as needs present themselves.
This new family becomes the conduit and vehicle for God’s mission in the world (Acts 2:42-47).
Gospel-centered community is a radical call to live amid a culture of mere attendance and casual involvement. It involves mutual love, care, consistency and authenticity as we seek to adorn the person and work of Christ with our lives.
At The Compass Church, some of the ways we seek to disciple people to Live the Gospel is to understand we are all part of God’s family. As such, we continually ask the question, “If we are family, then how should our relationships look in community?”
As family, we prefer one another and sacrifice for one another. We enjoy being together. We disciple, nurture, and hold one another accountable. We live in ways that preserve the honour of our Father’s good name (Matthew 6:9). And we feel love and kinship toward those alienated from God, longing for them to be reconciled to our Father who created them in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:27).
There are many ways to foster community, however one of the primary ways that we foster this community is through our GPS Missional Communities.
Romans 1:16
Advance the Gospel

The Gospel is a call to be missionaries.
Jesus’ last words on earth were a call to mission:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:18-20
Just as Jesus became a missionary in His incarnation (God taking on human flesh), He sends us into the world as missionaries: “As the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21). We are sent to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to work for the restoration of all of creation to its original “good” (Genesis 1:31; Romans 8:19-22). A Gospel-centred church will train people to live as missionaries in the practical rhythms of everyday life.
God has determined the exact time and place in which you live, work and play for His glory (Acts 17:26). God was intentional in directing our lives, so we should live with intentionality in all that we pursue; our lives have been infused with purpose and meaning. The disciple's call is multiplication, replication and advancement through the Gospel for the glory of our God.
At The Compass Church, some of the ways we seek to disciple people to Advance the Gospel is by living a life on mission together. We seek tangible ways to love and serve others. We seek to meet the needs of our city through acts of service, compassion, mercy, and justice. We listen to the questions, objections, and concerns people have about God. We share the Gospel winsomely and commend the Gospel by our words and actions. We seek to make God’s invisible Kingdom visible and tangible to the people around us. And at The Compass Church, we are committed to the advancement of the Gospel and do this through a commitment to plant churches.
Matthew 28:18-20

A compass is a simple tool that not only tells us where we are, but where we need to go. At The Compass Church, we help people see where they are at in life and where they need to be directed, so they may enjoy a purposeful and amazing Gospel-centred life.
A compass always shows true north—no matter where it is in the world. Similarly, we are a church that will always point to Jesus—no matter where we are at in life. We do this by making disciples who Know the Gospel, Live the Gospel, and Advance the Gospel.
We are Gospel-centred, because the Gospel stands at the very centre of God’s redemptive plan, and in it we see Him most clearly for who He is and what He has done.
The term Gospel is found over 90 times in the Bible. In the Greek New Testament, the word Gospel means “Good News.”
Some understand the Gospel only as doctrinal content to be believed. Others diminish it to a personal, subjective experience of God’s presence. Still others see it as a social cause to be championed. The Gospel is none of these on its own, and yet it is all of these. A truly Gospel-centred church understands and embraces the fullness of the Gospel as a message to know, live and advance.