“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
The ministry of the local church isn’t to be carried out by a select few but by all followers of Jesus.
Individualism has become a prime factor responsible for pulling church community apart and diminishing the real and authentic identity of the church as a family. The church is not like a family; it is a family.
Over time there has been a cultural change from “the good of the whole” to “the good of the individual”, and this deeply impacts how we understand our identity as the church. It has shifted from the “we” to the “me” and ushered in this hyper-individualism.
This individualism has led many to see the church as a cruise liner: offering Christian luxuries for their whole family and asking the question, “How will this church serve me?” (rather than how can I serve this family).
Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “The church is the church only when it exists for others.”
The reality is the church should be like a family—not an event you attend. It’s a family you belong to, where you get committed, where you love and are loved, and where it’s okay to not be okay.
In this way, Christians model themselves after the Lord Jesus who didn’t come to be served but to serve and give His life for many (Matthew 20:28). The wonderful thing about the church is that all Christians are ministers of the Gospel and are empowered and gifted by the Spirit of God to serve the mission of the church in the places God has called them.
There are many different ways you can be involved at The Compass Church—whether it’s serving on a Sunday or serving throughout the week.

Ministry Teams
If you wish to find out more information about any of these ministry opportunities and how to become involved, please email info@compassregina.com
Compass SOLA is one leg of our discipleship strategy at The Compass. The primary goal of Compass SOLA is teaching and growing in doctrine. If you are gifted as a teacher and growing in your faith and would like to be part of this important team, there are many ways you can be involved.
Do you like planning events? Are you detail-orientated? Do you like helping other people carry out a vision to make an event happen? Various teams are needed at The Compass to provide a variety of ways for people to connect and engage with each other, for example at fun events, picnics, games night, etc.
Greeting people at the doors or the Compass Connect table to ensure people feel welcome and informed.
Working with children from one years old to Grade 6. On Sundays, this includes teaching (or assisting the teacher) the Bible. There are also other Chilenz’ & Peeps events throughout the year that leaders may choose to be involved in.
Do you love working with men and discipling men? Do you love creating environments for men to build community? If so, this is a good team for you.
Encourages people by praying for their prayer requests. Being on the prayer team requires you to either be part of a GPS Missional Community group or you serve on another team. You will be emailed prayer requests that are received each week.
We have an ever-growing library of helpful resources that we provide for our church family to be able to borrow. Each resource is reviewed by someone on our team of reviewers. This way you get greater insight from someone within The Compass who has read the book or resource, and you can talk further with them. To be on this team, you have to really enjoy reading and are reasonably good at writing.
Serves both those in the building and those watching from home — making it possible for us to hear the message and engage with worship, and to be spiritually fed through the preaching of God’s Word. This role requires you to set up and take down the tech equipment and to be detailed-orientated and focused.
Are you a creative person who loves to work with women? If so, this team is for you. There are lots of opportunities to be involved.
Serves on Sunday mornings by leading the church in expressions of worship through prayer and song. Most Sundays we worship to pre-recorded music. One Sunday a month we have live worship (may develop into more as time goes on). We are looking for gifted musicians and singers.
A team of volunteers that help lead and disciple students for Align Youth (Grades 7-12).