Come as you are
Come as you are •
You’re welcome here.
The atmosphere is casual, reflective and open to everyone! You can expect to be welcomed into a friendly environment by people who are genuinely excited to see you.Music
Our music is always about Jesus. Lyrics are available on the screen, and we sing a variety of songs that prepare our hearts and minds to hear and respond to God's Word, the Bible.
We preach Jesus. We preach from the Bible, which is all about Jesus. Often we'll go through whole books of the Bible, verse-by-verse, to show what the whole Bible teaches and God's redemptive plan through it all.
We partake in communion together each week. Communion is a picture of the Gospel, and what Jesus has done for us. It is for believers only. This is also a time when our regular attenders give offerings.
Either before or after the service, we would love to get to know you. Drop by the Compass Connect table, talk with one of our friendly greeters, and fill out a Compass Connect card so we can follow-up with you!
Common Questions
Welcome. The church is full of people who are all very different and have different backgrounds. For one reason or another, people sometimes feel like they don’t fit in at church. Although people can tend to judge each other by certain standards, it’s important to see that in God’s eyes, there are only two kinds of people: (1) people who need His grace and forgiveness, and (2) people who have already received His grace and forgiveness. In either case, we are all needy people and we all have our own weaknesses and struggles.
At The Compass, we’re simply trying to work on a growing relationship with God, and we try to help others do the same. Once you get to know people better, you may find that you are not as different as you think. Our church is simply a slice of life. We’re not perfect people; we’re just people in need of a Saviour.
That’s totally fine with us. You are more than welcome to simply enjoy our gatherings and not feel burdened to join in on a bunch of other things. We certainly don’t want to pressure you into being more involved than you’d like.
We understand that there are many good reasons to limit your involvement. You may have schedule conflicts, you may be “gun shy” from a previous church experience, or you may just need a little space for awhile to try to figure this whole church thing out. We want you to feel welcome, not pressured.
Our prayer for you is that as you grow in your spiritual journey, you will discover and learn the importance of staying connected to others and to always be stepping into greater opportunities of growth.
For our Sunday Gatherings, we have a prayer time at 8:45am that you are always welcome to attend as you feel comfortable.
At 9:15am, we do a quiz in the theatre based on the previous week’s sermon where you use your phone to answer the questions and get points.
At 9:30am, our Gathering begins.
It’s best to come earlier than 9:30am so you have a chance to get to know people, explore the Compass Connect table, and grab a seat.
No! Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at The Compass. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re most likely to see someone in jeans and a casual shirt.
We have a pretty casual environment. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
Our teachers understand that teaching kids is very important to the children’s spiritual growth. Chilenz’ & Peeps is far more than a way to creatively pass the time; it’s critical to our mission of changing lives. Over time, we hope to impress truths about God to our kids that will help them know Him, follow Him, and develop a meaningful relationship with Him.
Although we understand that there is only so much we can accomplish in such a short time, we hope to be a valuable addition to how parents are instructing their kids at home.
We dismiss our kids during the sermon part of the gathering and bring them back at the end, so as families you can worship together.
We think your kids will probably enjoy our Chilenz’ & Peeps (0-3 years) more than the sermon, but if you’d like to have them sit through the entire gathering, you are more than welcome to do so.
The more you reinforce what your kids learn, the more they will get out of Sunday school and the more fun it will be for them.
After our church gathering each Sunday, ask your kids what they learned that week and discuss the topic with them. You may want to read the corresponding Bible story with them at home or even watch a video about it during the week.
RightNow Media is full of many resources to help reinforce what your kids are learning. It is a resource we provide for our church. If you would like an invite to this “Netflix for Christian content”, send us an email at info@compassregina.com. (RightNow Media is a resource provided for those that call the Compass Church home.)
Every week we live-stream via YouTube our Sunday Church Gatherings at the same time as our in-person gatherings (9:30am).
Following the live gathering, only the sermon portion is available online.
Although a live-stream is helpful for those that can’t come due to being away, are sick, etc, our live-stream is no substitute for church. It’s a tool we utilize but not the norm for God’s people for corporate worship.
If you’d like to get more involved, that’s great! A perfect place to start is by visiting our Compass Connect table on Sunday mornings and learn more about our GPS Missional Communities, which provide an excellent opportunity to get to know more people. For us to really be able to help one another grow and pursue God together, we’ve got to get to know each other better, and our GPS Missional Communities is one way to help provide that environment.
There are also numerous opportunities to serve and be involved like Compass SOLA, men’s and women’s discipleship studies, Camp Day, and more.
There’s always something going on, and there’s always something to do!
We believe that a few deep relationships are far more valuable than lots of superficial ones. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything with other people in the church. It just means that you may want the primary focus of your relationship-building efforts to be in a GPS Missional Community or through Compass SOLA and other places to learn and grow.
You will find that we don’t put a lot of energy into having lots of extra events or programs. We believe this helps people develop the most meaningful relationships the fastest.
The first step is to fill out a Compass Connect card either online or at our Compass Connect table on Sunday mornings. This allows us to begin to get to know you more.
Following this, you will receive a welcome from one of our pastors and your information will go into our database where (if you wish according to the Compass Connect card) you will be subscribed to our weekly Compass email update. Each week, this will give you a snapshot of what is going on in the church, receive helpful information and tools, as well as what’s upcoming at The Compass Church.
You can also regularly visit our website (compassregina.com) and download our mobile app (App Store | Google Play) to stay updated.
Finally, we encourage you to follow us on social media. We’re active across five platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube.
Although we’d really like you to think in terms of giving to God rather than to the church, we know that you want to give to an organization that is faithful with how it spends its money.
About 70-75% of our contributions get spent in three relatively fixed areas of expense: staff salaries, missions, and discipleship. Discipleship expenses include children’s ministry, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, youth ministry, outreach, benevolence, hospitality, etc.
We also seek to give 10% of our annual giving to outside ministries, such as Options Pregnancy Centre, church planting organizations, missionary support, etc.
Whatever you decide to give, it’s important that you give from your heart. A gift given begrudgingly is not a desirable gift in God’s eyes.
In the Old Testament, people gave 10% of their income to support the ministry of God. This was called the “tithe.” In addition to the tithe, people gave offerings for special projects and to help the needy.
Our belief is that God would desire us to follow similar principles of giving today. Most importantly, over the amount one gives is that we are “cheerful givers” realizing we can’t out-give God. When people give to the church in accordance to the amount with which God has blessed them, the needs of our church are easily met. This is God’s design for providing the financial resources for the church’s current and future needs.
Baby dedications are a special time for both parents, their babies, and for The Compass Church family! We view baby dedications as a dedication of the parents—and the church—to raise these children in a way that honours the Lord.
Really, it’s a dedication of parents, not just the babies. We don’t baptize infants. We believe baptism is for those who have repented of their sins and turned to Jesus Christ for their salvation… and two year olds can’t do that!
Instead, we dedicate children to the Lord during this time and encourage both the parents and the church body to help that child grow to know Jesus.
If you would like to dedicate your child to the Lord, drop us an email at info@compassregina.com and one of our pastors will be in touch with more information.
God has gifted many people in a wide variety of ways. We certainly appreciate people’s desires to see their gifts used, and we hope we can provide a good fit for you.
If you can’t find a perfect fit right away, you may want to simply fill in where help is needed most, then wait and see if something that better suits your gifting opens up in time. God loves even menial service, and so do we!
One of the most common reasons people leave churches is because they have a hard time getting along with one another. This is nothing new. Relationships have always been difficult. Even one of Jesus’ prayers to the Father was that we would be united with each other. In fact, Paul outright begged the believers at Philippi to get along.
It is extremely valuable for us to realize upfront that some degree of conflict is inevitable, so we need to have a plan to work through it when it happens if we hope to maintain any degree of unity in our church.
So what is our plan? It’s pretty simple. Jesus said that if someone offends you, go and talk to him or her about it. Don’t talk to anyone else—just go and see if you can work it out.
If you can’t work it out, the Bible says you should bring a mediator with you and see if you can work it out together. Obviously that’s not any fun to do, but we must value our unity more than we value avoiding conflict.
By following these simple guidelines, we can sidestep lots of strife in our church.
One of the greatest privileges a Christian has is to share the Good News of the free gift of eternal life. There are many things as a church we do to ensure the Good News of Jesus is always at the heart of everything we do—from Sunday morning worship, to various ways to grow and be challenged in our faith.
But as far as effectiveness is concerned, nothing compares to personal invitations and the personal responsibility of sharing the Good News with others. Our best form of outreach is you! People are much more inclined to attend a church with someone they know. When people share their faith with their neighbours, friends, and family, our church grows in the most natural way.
The pastors of the church will gladly perform weddings of people in the church, as well as people who don’t attend our church (contingent on availability).
Couples desiring to be married should be of the same faith and need to have a grasp of the seriousness of the marriage covenant. Couples desiring to get married should set up a time to meet with the pastor to confirm his availability, work out the details, and to discuss the required premarital counselling schedule in order to be married by one of our pastors.
Being integrated into church “community” where you have relationships is often the best place to start. We encourage you to talk with your GPS Missional Community, in particular your GPS leaders. If you talk to them and still feel a need for more input, one of the pastors will be happy to meet with you. This is an important step, because although the pastors can always make time to meet with you personally, they may not be able to find the time to really be involved in your life at a deeper level. That is why it is important to involve the GPS leader if at all possible.
Of course, if you aren’t involved in a GPS or if you’re not comfortable talking to your GPS leader, you are more than welcome to set something up with a pastor. Depending on your needs, the pastor may connect you with an outside Gospel-centred counsellor and, as a church, help financially to ensure you get the help you require.
As a legal disclaimer, it should be noted that all counselling will be based on the Word of God and not on the current wisdom of the world or “expertise” in any particular field. We believe that God’s Word is fully adequate for any problems we face.
Have more questions?Email us at info@compassregina.com and a staff member will respond shortly. |
Have more questions?Email us at info@compassregina.com and a staff member will respond shortly. |