Ten Boys Who Didn’t Give In

Ten Boys Who Didn’t Give In

Inspiring Stories of Martyrs

by Irene Howat

These ten boys grew up in hard times throughout history to become men who didn’t give in to the pressure against their faith. Living as a Christian was difficult, but they chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. In a world where we give in too easily, be inspired by the true stories of those who didn’t! Includes the stories of Nate Saint, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Thomas Cranmer, Polycarp, with the biographies of other great heroes of the faith.

Compass Reviewed

My children and I read a book a few years ago about the story of Nate Saint. He is featured in this devotional style book, and I saw the impact that his story had on myself and my children. The discussions that came from it were inspiring. Real life adventure stories about martyrs can hook kids into the story but then teach us so much about ourselves and about God's truth. This book provides those stories in a shortened and impactful way. There are over 10 martyrs that Irene writes about, providing you with many stories to learn from and read with your children. There are many seasons where I do not have the time to read an entire novel about people like this, but this book is written so that each story is condensed and does not miss the mark! The fact file section provided after each story gives you, as a parent, a discussion starter and place to work from after you and your children read these stories together! I recommend this book for ALL ages including adults who have never heard of these martyrs of the faith before. It's a great place to start!


Devoted to God’s Church


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